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Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers


Jennifer Follstad Shah's research on how human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers is featured in Science. This research shows that "in the presence of continued environmental change, organic-matter decomposition rates will likely increase in rivers, resulting in declines in shorter-term carbon storage and reductions in carbon transfer to longer-term storage compartments, such as reservoirs, floodplains, and oceans."

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Green gentrification cycle: Double-edged sword of environmental justice

Construction site

Tim Collins' research on green spaces and gentrification featured in @theU. Living near green spaces improves mental health, reduces mortality, and boosts lifetime earnings. Cities have built green spaces in low-income areas to reduce health and economic disparities, but this often leads to "green gentrification," displacing original residents.

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Last Updated: 8/29/24