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Deadlines to Apply: 

  • Solutions Scholars due by February 15
  • Undergraduate Scholarship applications due by February 1
  • Graduate Fellowship due by April 1


Important Deadlines:

  • September 10, 2024: University of Utah General Scholarship Available
  • November 1, 2023: Scholarship Applications Open
  • February 1, 2024: Scholarship Applications Close
  • April 3-7, 2024: Scholarship Offers Issued
  • May 1, 2024: Acceptance Materials Due

We encourage students to fill out the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA), however it is not required to apply for Environmental and Sustainability Studies scholarships.

Learn more about fafsa

Application Process For ENVST Program Scholarships

1. Applications available  HERE
2. Provide an official transcript of University of Utah credit
3. Provide two letters of recommendation from someone who can speak to your interest in and commitment to sustainability
4. Include a 500 word personal statement (*several scholarships require an additional statement)



Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies 

Selection Criteria:

  1. Recipient must be a full-time student during the award year
  2. Recipient must be in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program
  3. Minimum 2.75 GPA and majoring in Environmental and Sustainability Studies
  4. A 250 word essay is required 

Amount of Award: Typically $2,500

Number of Awards: Typically one

Donor: Richard A. (Rick) Carter

matthew gold allen scholarship

Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Selection Criteria: Awarded to one or more undergraduate students with financial need. Preference given to students pursuing a degree in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Amount of Award: Varies

Number of Awards: Varies

Donor: Family of Matthew Allen, a student in Environmental and Sustainability Studies


Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Selection Criteria: Merit and recipient must be in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program

Amount of Award: Typically $5,000

Number of Awards: Typically one

Donor: Bright Future Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that we can work together to provide meaningful change for people living in far less abundant circumstances. Incoming freshmen are welcome to apply!


Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Selection Criteria:

  1. Recipient must be in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program
  2. Full-time student during the award year
  3. Program Involvement will be taken into consideration

Amount of Award: Typically $1,000

Number of Awards: Typically one

Donor: Dan McCool  was the Director of the Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program and is now professor Emeritus with the Political Science Department at the University of Utah.

learn more about dan mccool


Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Selection Criteria:

  1. Recipient must be in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program
  2. Full-time student during the award year
  3. Program Involvement will be taken into consideration

Amount of Award: Typically $1,000

Number of Awards: Typically one

Donor: Dan McCool  was the Director of the Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program and is now professor Emeritus with the Political Science Department at the University of Utah.



Available to: Undergraduate students in Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Selection Criteria:

  1. Recipient must be in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program
  2. Full-time student during the award year
  3. Program Involvement will be taken into consideration

Amount of Award: Typically $1,000

Number of Awards: Typically one

Donor: Dan McCool  was the Director of the Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program and is now professor Emeritus with the Political Science Department at the University of Utah.

learn more about dan mccool




Available to: 1). A student working in sustainability. 2). A student who is an uptown cheapskate employee. 3). A student working in or studying fashion. 4). A student who is paying their own way through college. 

Amount of Award: Up to $5,000

Donor: Uptown Cheapskate


Available to: Undergraduate students pursuing a major related to sustainability, environmental studies, or related fields.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Recipient must be a high school senior or college undergraduate student
  2. Major (or plans to major) in a field related to business, sustainability or marketing.
  3. Must plan to take at least 10 credit hours 

Guidelines: An essay that details your interests, experience and goals related to the advancement of sustainability and ecopreneurism.

Amount of Award: Typically $1,000

Donor: Ted Rollins, founding principal of Valeo Group


Available to: High school seniors who have been selected to attend a college or university AND/OR current college students.

Selection Criteria:

  1. High School senior that has been accepted to a college or university.
  2. A current college student that is not in their final year.

Amount of Award: Typically $1,000

Guidelines: Write a 500-word essay on the following topic:  "Share an adversity in your life that you have fough to overcome and what you have learned from it".

Donor: Chrissy Weems



Available to: Undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Environmental Research, Land Use, Earth & Atmosphere Studies, Sustainable Land management, Parks & Rec.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Undergraduate college/university students and high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Ecology, Land Use, Earth & Atmosphere Sciences, Sustainable Land Management, Environmental Biology, Sustainable Agriculture Systems.
  2. Proof of enrollment is required along with submission.

Amount of Award: 2 awards for $3000

Donor: Extreme Terrain

apply here



Award: $1000 cash

  • Geography majors who will be juniors or seniors in the upcoming academic year
  • Student should have an educational focus in GIS and the environment
  • Full-time student during award period
  • 3.2 GPA
  • Based on scholastic achievement

apply here

learn more about merrill ridd


Award: Varies

  • Declared major in Geography by September 13, 2021
  • Incoming high school student who will be a freshman in the coming academic year or current Geography major
  • Full-time student (12+ credit hours) during the current and coming academic year
  • High scholastic achievement and need
  • U.S. citizen or international student lawfully present in U.S.
  • Diverse applicants strongly encouraged to apply

apply here

learn more about brian and michelle haslam

Roger McCoy Student Assistance Endowment Award

Award: $1,000

  • Resident undergraduate student of high academic standing who is majoring in Geography
  • Student must be full-time (at least 9 credit hours per semester)
  • Award is meant to help student complete a degree in Geography / pursue a career in Geography
  • 3.0 GPA

apply here

learn more about roger mccoy





Geography is one of those great degrees that can take graduates far and wide. Key Information, requirements, and deadlines vary with each scholarship. Please visit the websites for the most current information.

Award: Varies by scholarship
Eligibility: Varies by scholarship
Deadline: Varies by scholarship


Gamma Theta Upsilon members are invited to apply for the following scholarships (four to undergraduates, and one to a continuing graduate student), each of which carries a $1000 award. Applicants are invited to apply for more than one scholarship if the criteria fit, but no individual will receive more than one award in a given year. 

Award: $1000.00
EligibilityVaries by scholarship
Deadline:   June 1 of each year at 11:59 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time


AWG provides several awards and scholarships to deserving women across the globe. Visit their website ( to learn more information about each scholarship or award.

Award Name

Award Description

AWG Maria Crawford Field Camp Scholarship

This program encourages promising young women who pursue geoscience careers through attendance at field camp. Two $750 scholarships are awarded annually through a competitive process. The applicant must be a full-time student who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in the geosciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, physical oceanography, planetary geology, or earth science education) at an accredited college or university AND must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Application deadline is February 14th each year.

Geoscience IDEA Scholarship
(Formerly the AWG Minority Scholarship)

The Geoscience Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, and Accessibility (IDEA) Scholarship program encourages women from under-served communities to pursue an education and career in the Geosciences, or Earth Sciences. The scholarship provides up to $5000 in awards, annually, typically split between two or more undergraduate students, and matches them with AWG mentors to enhance their careers. It also includes a one-year, sponsored, AWG student membership.

Completed application materials are due June 30th each year. 

AWG Undergraduate Excellence in Paleontology Award

The Association for Women Geoscientists is pleased to announce the AWG Undergraduate Paleontology Award. The award, which consists of a $1000 cash prize and membership in the Paleontological Society and AWG for the tenure of the awardee’s schooling, will be presented to one outstanding female undergraduate students pursuing a career in paleontology. This award was made possible by the generous donations of Drs. David Watkins and Mary Anne Holmes and the Paleontological Society.

Applications are due April 15th each year.

Winifred Goldring Award

The Association for Women Geoscientists is pleased to announce the Winifred Goldring Award competition. The award, which consists of a $2000 cash prize and membership in the Paleontological Society and AWG for tenure of the awardee’s schooling, will be presented to three outstanding female graduate students pursuing a career in paleontology. The award is named for Winifred Goldring, a pioneering woman paleontologist, who became State Paleontologist of New York State in 1939 and the first female president of the Paleontological Society in 1949. This award was made possible by the generous donations of Drs. David Watkins and Mary Anne Holmes and the Paleontological Society.

Applications are due April 30th of each year.

Brunton Award

The AWG Brunton Award promotes the future of field mapping and data acquisition for the upcoming generation of women geoscientists. The award will go to a female geoscience student at the senior level or in her early graduate studies who has been a summer intern, excelled at field camp, or performed field data collection that leads to a senior or graduate thesis. The award is funded by Brunton.

Applications are due December 15th of each year.

Jeanne Harris Chrysalis Scholarship

The Chrysalis Scholarship provides degree-completion funding for women geoscience graduate students whose education has been significantly interrupted by life circumstances. Awarded funds are intended to cover costs associated with completion of her thesis/dissertation, beyond what is traditionally covered by primary research funding. Costs may include drafting expenses, child-care, defense travel, late-stage research and analyses, or anything necessary to assist a candidate during those critical, final days.

Sand Student Research Presentation Travel Award

This competitive award provides women geoscience students with support to present their research at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. This travel award is named for Virginia (Ginny) Sand (1928-2007), an award-winning geoscience teacher and world traveler. Ginny graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in geology, and she spent three decades teaching geoscience at Kent State University after obtaining her MA. Her many activities supporting AWG included serving as editor of Gaea (1988-1991). Her travel destinations ranged from the Galápagos Islands to Iceland and, at the age of 76, including a journey to Antarctica. The award is to be used to help defray travel, lodging, registration fee, and other expenses associated with the presentation of the awardee’s research at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Two awards will be made each year for $500 each.

Applications are due August 10th each year.

Takken Student Research Presentation Travel Award

This travel award is named for Suzanne Takken (1925–1997), an avid traveler and strong supporter of women in geoscience. Suzanne spent a long career in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as a petroleum geologist for a major petroleum corporation and as a consulting geologist after her retirement. She served terms as president of AWG (1989–1990) and director of the AWG Foundation (1996–1997) and was awarded the AWG Distinguished Service Award in 1993. She especially enjoyed traveling to countries in Asia and the Pacific region. The award is to be used to help defray travel, lodging, registration fee, and other expenses associated with the presentation of the awardee’s research at a national or international professional geoscience meeting other than the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America.

First round applications are due February 10th and second round applications are due August 10th each year.

Applications can be downloaded here: Takken Student Research Presentation Travel Award Application

Chapter GEOID

A scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded to one geoscience student identifying as (1) a woman (cisgender or transgender), gender fluid, and/or non-binary person and as (2) a member of a historically underrepresented minority in the geosciences. The intent is to provide the student with financial support and recognition that encourages them to continue their academic and professional development as a geoscientist, through research and networking with others in academia and industry.


USGIF is dedicated to assist promising students studying GEOINT, geospatial sciences, and related fields. The annual USGIF Scholarship Program recognizes the achievements of graduating high school seniors, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students.

Students interested in using capabilities of geospatial science, data and technologies to address human security challenges are all encouraged to submit applications. Past scholarship recipients are encouraged to apply.

Award: Varies by scholarship
Eligibility: Varies by scholarship


This scholarships provide support to undergraduate and graduate students engaged in new or on-going research that focuses on Great Salt Lake and its ecosystem.

Award: $1,000 for undergraduate, AND
Award: $1,000 for graduate student

  • Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled at an accredited college or university.
  • Individuals who have previously received this award are not eligible.
  • The award may be used to support laboratory or field research, attendance at professional meetings, or other activities that further the understanding or protection of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem.
  • Research located anywhere in the Great Salt Lake watershed can qualify for this award.
  • projects from any academic field (for instance: ecology, biology, chemistry, physics, geography, geology, urban planning, social sciences, communications, education, economics, tourism, engineering, etc.) will be considered

Deadline: check website for the Doyle W. Stephens Scholarship Application dates


Student Conference Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to give students an opportunity to gain professional experience prior to entering the workforce. Attendance at the UGIC conference will introduce you to the local GIS community, establish valuable contacts with current GIS professionals, provide technical skills through conference workshops, and introduce you to projects and applications currently underway in our community.

Award: UGIC Registration and lodging expenses. Students receiving an award will spend a half-day of the conference assisting UGIC Board members at the Registration Desk or other conference duties.

  • The scholarship is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Applicants must be current students (full or part-time) working towards a degree or certificate in an accredited college or university.
  • The degree or program the applicant is working towards must have an emphasis on GIS.
  • Disciplines may include Geography, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Urban Planning, Transportation, Geology, Social Sciences, etc.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate professional level writing skills.

Deadline: check website for the application dates





Alumni Association

The Office of Alumni Relations is proud to foster education and recognize students for their academic achievements, community and university involvement, and outstanding potential by offering scholarships to qualified candidates..

Hinckley Institute of Politics

The Hinckley Institute provides a remarkable number of funding opportunities to students.

Student Union Scholarships

The University of Utah's Union has various scholarships for students, including scholarships for student leaders, refugee students, veteran students, underrepresented students, and more. Check out their scholarships available!

Bennion Center

The Bennion Center offers scholarships and stipends for students who are involved in voluntary service and civic participation.

Veterans Support Center

Even if you are using the GI Bill, you might qualify for more financial aid. In addition to those available to all students, many scholarships and grants are available to current and former military personnel and family members.

Women's Resource Center

Each WRC scholarship has its own requirements regarding enrollment, grade point average, and/or matriculation. Additionally, scholarships are only available to Utah Residents (see Policy 6-403), and most are based on financial need or overcoming barriers to an education.






Center For Disability Services

The Center for Disability Services offers scholarships for students with a disability. See their website for more information.

Dream Center Scholarships

The Dream Center has scholarships for students; as well, their website includes other excellent scholarships for undocumented/DACA students.

International Student and Scholar Services

This office offers scholarships available for international students and scholars on campus.

LGBT Resource Center

The LGBT Resource Center awards scholarships to students (undergraduate or graduate) every Spring semester with funding provided by their generous donors. These awards recognize outstanding students who are committed to supporting LGBTQIA+ communities.

American West Center

Floyd O'Neil fellowships provide up to $2,000 to pursue research on an aspect of the American West, including the region’s history, politics, environment, society, culture, literature, geography, or peoples. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to submit applications. All applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Utah and remain so throughout the period of the fellowship.

Wick R. Miller Endowed Scholarship is for any University of Utah student with an expressed interest in studies related to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, a demonstrated desire to preserve, cultivate, and advance any indigenous language or culture of the Americas. Preference will be given to enrolled members of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes


Last Updated: 9/25/24