
Associate Professor
Past and present climate change, paleoecology, environmental modeling, data mining and analysis.
Simon Brewer
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Professor, RED Lab Director
Paleoecology, Fire History, Climate change
Andrea Brunelle
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Associate Professor, SPARC Environmental Lab Director
Environmental Justice, Food Justice, Belonging, Critical Participatory Action Research, Eco-Justice Pedagogy
Adrienne Cachelin
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American Politics, energy & environmental politics, public opinion, political socialization
Juliet Carlisle
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Professor; School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability; Department of Sociology; Environmental Humanities
Brett Clark
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Larry Coats
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Professor; Co-Director, Center for Natural and Technological Hazards
Human-environment interactions; Vulnerability; Hazards and Disasters; Environmental Justice; Health Disparities; Climate Change, Water, Wildfire, and Air Pollution
Tim Collins
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Environmental Hazards, Emergency Management, Transportation, Geographic Information Science
Tom Cova
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Professor; Director, School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability; Director, URSA Lab
Hyperspectral, Multispectral, and Lidar Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Wildfire and Firefighter Safety, Imaging Spectroscopy
Philip Dennison
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Assistant Professor of Human Geography, School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability; Asian Studies; Environmental Humanities.
Political ecology, Development Studies, Land and Resource Politics, Critical Geopolitics, Infrastructure, Energy transition and Critical minerals, Himalaya, Southeast Asia, Global China
Jessica DiCarlo
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Tim Edgar
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Associate Professor; Associate Director, Environmental & Sustainability Studies; Director, SAGE Lab
Global Change Effects on the Metabolism and Biogeochemistry of Lotic and Riparian Ecosystems, Theoretical Ecology, River and Riparian Restoration
Jennifer Follstad Shah
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Microwave Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere, Application of Radar Interferometry to Studies of Glaciers and Ground Displacement
Richard (Rick) Forster
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Associate Professor of Geography; ENVST Honors Faculty Advisor
Political Ecology, Energy and Environmental Governance, Urban Policies, Environmental
Justice, Cultural Geography, Latin America
Matt Fry
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Assistant Professor; Department of Economics and School of Environment, Society, & Sustainability
Alberto Garcia
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Professor of Sociology and ESS. Co-Director, Center for Natural and Technological Hazards.
Sara Grineski
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Assistant Professor
Geographic Data Science, Spatiotemporal Computing, Machine Learning, Spatial Epidemiology
Alexander Hohl
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Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Community ecology, Plant-pollinator interactions
Alexander Hohl
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Associate Professor; Associate Director for Geography Undergraduate Programs
Political Geography, Political Violence, Kenya, Spatial Statistics, GIS, Climate Change,
and Conflict
Andrew M. Linke
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Zachary Lundeen
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Phoebe McNeally
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Associate Professor
GIS, Spatial analysis, Geography of Terrorism and Insurgent Activity, Complex Systems in Social and Geographic Spaces
Richard Medinda
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Jesse Morris
Research Associate Professor; Associate Director of the RED Lab; Director of Research and Science
Social-Ecological Systems, Bark Beetles, Wildfire, Biogeochemical Cycling, STEM Research Ethics
Kathleen Nicoll
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Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Geoarchaeology, Arid Lands, Petroleum Geology
Kathleen Nicoll
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Professor, Curator of the Garrett Herbarium (Utah Museum of Natural History), and Power Paleoecology Lab Director
Vegetation History, Historical Biogeography, Fire, Paleoecology and Paleoclimatology
Mitchell J. Power
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Rachna Reddy
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Professor, Associate Director of Graduate Studies
Glaciology, Climate Change, Modeling Glacier Mass Balance, Ice Core Analysis, Glacier Geomorphology.
Summer B. Rupper
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Associate Professor, Director of Snow Hydrology Research-to-Operations Laboratory (Snow HydRO Lab)
Mountain Hydrology, Snow Optics and Remote Sensing, Radiative Forcing by Light Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice, Cryosphere-Climate Interaction.
McKenzie Skiles
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Associate Professor, Director of the Utah Geo-Health Lab, Director of the MSGIS program
GIS and Spatial Methods in Understanding and Solving Environmental Health Problems
Neng Wan
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Assistant Professor
Associate Director, RED Lab
Director of Sustainability Education, Sustainability Office
Paleoecology, Environmental Science
Jenn Watt
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Director, Urban and Sustainability Research Lab (USRL)
Urban/Economic Geography, Spatial Inequality, Sustainable Development & Urbanization, Health Geography, China
Yehua Dennis Wei
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Ingrid Weinbauer
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