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Graduate Student Forms

This page provides links to commonly used forms, along with a short description for each form. Consult the Graduate Handbook for more details on program requirements.

General Forms

  • Independent Study
  • DUE: At time of registration for independent study class, usually the beginning of the semester
  • This form is required for all individual project, directed reading, and teaching practicum courses. Student and mentor agree on requirements for the course and sign form. After turning in the form, staff will provide a registration number for the course.

  • Leave of Absence Request
  • DUE: By last day of classes in a semester
  • With approval of advisor and Director of Graduate Studies, student may take a one semester leave from program. The leave of absence can be renewed for a second semester, but cannot last more than 1 year.

  • Graduate Student Travel Award Application
  • DUE: Prior to traveling (first come/first served until funds exhausted)
  • Apply for matching travel funds up to $400 for students presenting research at a professional meeting. Matching support must be from University sources and only one award will be made to student per year.

  • Coursework Petition
  • DUE: Before filing Program of Study
  • Student petitions Advisor, Director, and Chair to have a requirement substituted or waived.

  • Petition for Exception to Policy
  • DUE: As needed
  • Retroactively withdraw from a course for a non-academic reason or remove a "W" from transcript due to institutional error.

  • Undergraduate Petition for Graduate Credit
  • DUE: Before University of Utah bachelor degree awarded, or retroactively in graduate program
  • A maximum of six credit hours (two courses) not used to meet the requirements of another degree may be transferred to a graduate program of study. See the Graduate Handbook for limitations.

  • Graduate Transfer Credit Authorization
  • DUE: When filing a Program of Study, a supervisory committee may accept up to 6 credit hours
  • Hours may only be used toward only one degree, must be a "B" or higher grade (CR not acceptable), and taken within 4 years (MS) or 7 years (PhD) of semester of admission

  • Undergraduate Petition for Graduate Credit
  • DUE: Before University of Utah bachelor degree awarded, or retroactively in graduate program
  • A maximum of six credit hours (two courses) not used to meet the requirements of another degree may be transferred to a graduate program of study. See the Graduate Handbook for limitations.

  • Last Semester Notification
  • DUE: Before the 15th day of the next semester after defending
  • International students must submit this form to the International Center the next semester after defending when working with the Thesis Editor and not registered for hours.

  • Request for Statement of Degree Completion
  • DUE: After thesis released but before diploma issued
  • Only available during the term in which you applied to graduate through the last day of finals for that term. Only one issued.

Master's Forms

  • Graduate Student Request for Funding
  • Due: January 10 for the following academic year.
  • The Department of Geography offers a limited number of teaching assistant (TA) positions to continuing graduate students.

  • Record of Progress
  • Due: Started at admission and updated throughout program
  • Lists program prerequisites, requirements and forms due. Keeps track of student progress.

  • Record of Progress: MSGIS
  • Due: Started at admission and updated throughout program
  • Lists program prerequisites, requirements and forms due. Keeps track of student progress.

  • Request for Supervisory Committee
  • Due:No later than the  beginning of third semester, but needed before colloquium presentation
  • Nominates an advisor and two additional members for a supervisory committee. Submit vita for non-U committee members.

  • Research Proposal Approval
  • Due:Typically before start of Fall or Spring semester of second year
  • Selects thesis / manuscript / technical report option. Documents completed colloquium presentation, committee approval of proposal, and departmental acceptance of proposal.

  • Application for Graduate Degree
  • Due: by Sept 4, Jan 17, or May 20 in semester prior to graduation
  • To apply on or before the due date simply click on the “Graduation” tile on your Student Homepage in Campus Information Services (CIS) and follow the instructions. Note: This link does not become active until your Supervisory Committee has been entered into Grad School Tracking.

  • Late / Re-application for Graduate Degree
  • Due: by end of semester in which applied for graduation
  • Use this form to reapply for Graduation when the graduation semester must be changed.
  • You must deliver reapplications to Window 15 of the Registrar's Office, 2nd floor of SSB

PhD Forms

  • Record of Progress
  • Due: Started at admission and updated throughout program
  • Lists program prerequisites, requirements and forms due. Keeps track of student progress

  • Request for Supervisory Committee
  • Due: No later than the  beginning of third semester, but needed before colloquium presentation
  • Nominates an advisor and four additional members for a supervisory committee. Submit vita for non-U committee members

  • Research Proposal Approval
  • Due: Typically before start of Fall or Spring semester of second year
  • Selects dissertation/manuscript option. Requires completed colloquium presentation, committee approval of proposal, and departmental acceptance of proposal

  • Program of Study (Ph.D.)
  • Due: Due before taking research credit hours
  • Advisor, committee, and Director of Graduate Studies sign to approve Program

  • Application for Graduate Degree
  • Due: by Sept 4, Jan 17, or May 20 in semester prior to graduation
  • To apply on or before the due date simply click on the “Graduation” tile on your Student Homepage in Campus Information Services (CIS) and follow the instructions. Note: This link does not become active until your Supervisory Committee has been entered into Grad School Tracking.

  • Late / Re-application for Graduate Degree
  • Due: by end of semester in which applied for graduation
  • Use this form to reapply for Graduation when the graduation semester must be changed.
  • You must deliver reapplications to Window 15 of the Registrar's Office, 2nd floor of SSB

  • Ph.D. Committee / Final Reading Approval
  • Due: Prior to submission of dissertation to Thesis Editor
  • Confirms that content of dissertation, bibliographic style, figures, and citations are acceptable to department
Last Updated: 6/27/24