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Graduate Student Important Dates

Student health insurance coverage from previous year ends 15-Aug NA NA
Student health insurance begins for current academic year 16-Aug NA NA
Funding begins for semester (first paycheck) 16-Aug (9/7) 1-Jan (1/22) 16-May (6/7)
Department TA Workshop / Funded student orientation Friday before classes begin NA NA
Colloquium for research proposal presentations 1st or 2nd Friday of semester 1st & last Friday of semester NA
Permission code needed to add a class online 2nd wk of semester 2nd wk of semester 2nd wk of semester
Last day to add class online / Tuition due 10th day of semester 10th day of semester 10th day of semester
Last day to add class with late add card (signature needed) 15th day of semester 15th day of semester 15th day of semester
Premium for subsidized insurance due late Sept., check deadline date mid Feb., check deadline date NA
Geography Week / GIS Day 3rd wk in Nov/Wed NA NA
Last day to apply for LOA last day of CLASS-4:30pm last day of CLASS-4:30pm last day of CLASS-4:30pm
Funding ends for semester (last paycheck) 31-Dec (1/7) 15-May (5/22) 15-Aug (8/22)

Deadlines for Graduating During Semester

Deadlines with an (*) asterisk are approximate dates.  Exact dates will vary by a few days from semester to semester.  Consult with your advisor to determine more precise dealines.
Graduation Applications due at Graduation Office for degree awarded during semester 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Mar
Program of Study due 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Mar
Must be defended to graduate during this semester 30-Sep 15-Feb 31-May
Revised & approved draft given to department Chair for final approval* 15-Oct 1-Mar 1-Jun
Deadline to submit preliminary manuscript to Thesis Editor for formatting approval is 3 weeks before your final draft is submitted for approval and preferably before your defense.   9-Oct 27-Feb 25-May
Deadline to submit defended manuscript to Thesis Editor to start formatting approval process* 30-Oct 15-Mar 15-Jun
Upload final thesis dissertation * 5-Dec 20-Apr 20-Jul

Deadlines for Defending During Semester

Deadlines with an (*) asterisk are approximate dates.  Exact dates will vary by a few days from semester to semester. Consult with your advisor to determine more precise deadlines.
Completed draft submitted to advisor to begin finalizing for defense 15-Oct 5-Mar 30-Jun
Advisor approved draft sent out to committee (2 wks) - Thesis Editor can begin preview* 25-Nov 10-Apr 31-Jul
Poll committee to see if thesis/dissertation defensible* 10-Dec 25-Apr 15-Aug
Traditional defense period 10-Dec to 14-Dec 25-Apr to 29- Apr 15-Aug to 19-Aug
Last day to defend during semester to avoid enrolling next semester Friday before Spring begins Friday before Summer begins Friday before Fall begins
Last Updated: 6/27/24