Chuck Wullstein
Leroy H. Wullstein was a professor in the Department of Geography. After attending East High School
in Salt Lake City, he majored in botany at the University of Utah. Graduate studies
followed in microbiology and edaphology at Oregon State University. After completing
his doctorate, Chuck held professorships at the University of British Columbia, and
for 37 years at the University of Utah. He was a United Nations appointee to an international
conference on pesticides, sponsored by Cambridge University in 1965; a recipient of
a one-year Senior Research Fulbright Fellowship, in Ireland from 1972 to 1973; and
a corecipient of the Outstanding Research Award bestowed by Ecological Society of
America in 1986.
Throughout his career, his research interests focused on nitrogen cycling and biogeography. Chuck also taught generations of students biology and related curriculum at the University of Utah, and was recognized multiple times for his outstanding undergraduate and graduate teaching.