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Climate Change Research

Melting glacier

Climate change has been identified as the biggest threat facing humanity today, in part because it is a “threat multiplier" that exacerbates issues like water scarcity, food insecurity, and weather events.  Most research by faculty and students in ESS is either directly or indirectly related to climate change and its impacts.  Climate change research by faculty and students in ESS spans physical and social sciences, and includes glacier and ice sheet responses to changing climate, disparities in impacts of increasing heat, changing wildfire and fire impacts, investigating past environmental changes in response to changing climate, impacts of climate on migration and violence, climate and dust impacts on melting snow in the Wasatch, remote sensing of greenhouse gas plumes, and many others. ESS also excels in teaching climate change, with our climate change course series that forms the core of an interdisciplinary certificate in climate change.

Climate Change Faculty

Last Updated: 6/26/24