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GIS, Spatial Data Science & Remote Sensing Research


Geographic Information Science (GIS) is an inherently interdisciplinary field of study that deals with gathering, analyzing and communicating spatially-explicit data about our world. Spatial data science examines the geospatial data, computation, and visualization. Remote sensing uses a wide variety of satellite, aircraft, and drone platforms to collect environmental data used in both GIS and spatial data science. Research by faculty and students in ESS includes advanced techniques like artificial intelligence and machine learning, and advanced technologies like hyperspectral and lidar remote sensing. ESS applications of GIS, spatial data science, and remote sensing are amazingly diverse, and include spatial disparities in environmental hazards and health, changes in vegetation due to drought and disturbance, spread of disease through populations, changes in glaciers and snowpack, and economic and social differences across urban landscapes. Courses in GIS, spatial data science, and remote sensing provide students with a valuable, in-demand skill set.

GIS, Spatial Data Science & Remote Sensing Faculty

Last Updated: 6/26/24